in the middle of suffering..what to do?
Turmoil is a good word to describe it. I was certain of the direction my life was going...until all of what I thought was perfect fell apart. The future that seemed to finally be aligning with good things took a sudden turn I never expected and in a moment, everything I had been dreaming of for my life was suddenly gone. It was such a shock that it took my breath away. When I woke up that next morning, I had two choices.
The first option was to allow the pain of the suffering to overcome me. Certainly, God would understand and sympathize with me. He is gracious and would allow me my time to grieve. The danger, for me, was to stay in that dark and pitiful place.
The second option was to muster an unearthly and divine strength, allowing the Holy Spirit to not only begin the healing of my heart, but to also enable me to act selflessly-following the truth of I Peter 4:19 which says, "So then, those who suffer according to God’s will should commit themselves to their faithful Creator and continue to do good." Therein was my answer to the question, "What do I do now, Lord?"
Today, you are in a place and among people that you have the power to do good towards. Believeing that I d0, indeed, have a faithful Creator-all powerful-on my side who loves me and who I owe my life to spurs me onward. I can continue to do good-serving my children by patiently cleaning up their many sticky messes, giving my husband some uninterupted time to read instead of my "honey-do" list for today, inviting a college student over for a meal, sitting down to write that note to a friend who is going through a hard time themselves. The feelings of loss and grief don't always disappear overnight, but when you see that there is still purpose and needs all around you, even when your own days are dark can begin to allow the light of day to re-enter your heart. Don't allow the fog of pain to cloud the opportunities for you to do good today. There is hope! You may just be the source God uses to lift the head of another, and there is no greater good than that.
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