Radical Christ-Follower

Radical Christian

Without Christ, there is no reason to believe the best is yet to come. And in a world without God, our personal best is as good as it gets. In a life without Jesus, we are controlled by our circumstances. But with Christ, there is hope, purpose, and freedom. Let's not settle for a mediocre existence when we have a Mighty God who loves us, destined us for good things, and has given us a future we can't even begin to fathom.

To be a radical Christian is to be a lofty thinker. It involves believing the best is possible in the midst of the worst of circumstances. It means relying on a God who can not be seen in order to obtain an often delayed reward. A radical Christ-follower has an integral stamina that is inhuman. It's only feasible through an available heart to the filling of God Himself.

Be a Radical Christ-Follower!

YOUR TURN! Have you read David Platt's book, Radical? What impact has it had on your life? In what ways do you realize today, that your life has a God-Sized Purpose? I love to hear from you! 

Not to us, O Lord, not to us, but to your name give glory. Psalm 115:1

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