God's Formula For Peace

God's Formula For Peace

For someone who likes the tidiness of formulas, I didn’t feel like implementing this one:

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6-7

Bills, logistical issues in our schedule, a broken tooth, a child with debilitating migraines, a wonky cell phone that doesn’t cooperate, relationships that are not as I dreamed they would be, having to choose self-control at every meal to lose my baby weight, waiting for months to find out if my son got into the school I want, and the knowledge that I am about to wean my baby for what will probably be the final time, and a dozen or so other concerns have been on my mind, tempting me to throw in the towel, let my guard down, and wallow.

God often conceals from us the details of every step of the path He has us on so that we will lean on HIM and have faith in HIM instead of placing our security in what we can actually see. But I can’t ignore the absolute concreteness of the above passage. It’s pretty clear.

Do not be anxious about what? Anything.

But in what? Everything.

Do what? Pray and petition.

With what? Thanksgiving.

To Who? To God.

The result? Peace of God. Transcending all understanding.

Will What? Guard my heart. Guard my mind.

In Who? Christ Jesus.

Why on earth would I rather wallow in my emotions, fret, and allow my heart and mind to be anxious when God who loves me PROMISES to give me His peace?

Lord, we have one car so please help us with the logistics of getting 5 people from place to place, and THANK YOU for the car we have, that it is comfortable, safe, has air conditioning, and is more than we need.

Lord, my tooth is broken and I’m going to have to wait to get it fixed so will you allow that to happen sooner than later. But Lord, THANK YOU that it doesn’t hurt and that there is no pain involved which would make the waiting harder.

Lord, my son’s migraines are so heartbreaking to watch and I feel helpless. Help me to know what to do for him and give his doctors wisdom! And Lord, THANK YOU for giving us the ability to see doctors, for friends who offer helpful advice, and for a courageous boy who is brave in the midst of his sufferings.

You get the idea. Like me, you too may be prone to becoming overwhelmed by your needs and worries but we don’t have to be. God calls us to a higher state of being through Christ Jesus. Trade your anxious thoughts for peace. Set aside the tendency to wallow and choose praise. Place before your heart and mind a victorious Guardian through prayer and thanksgiving. It’s the formula of all formulas, to God be the glory!

YOUR TURN! Do you have any prayer requests that you can share with us along with some thanksgiving? How do you keep you’re your anxiety at bay and allow God’s peace to rule in your heart and mind? If this post blessed you, please SHARE it with others! I love to hear from you!!

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