Tattoo Of You

Tattoo Of You

Tattoos have never been a big pull for me personally. I have never felt the urge to get some ink. As one who is artistically challenged, I do however appreciate the creativity and intricacy of tattoo artists.

What fascinates me about people who have tattoos is their courage to write the name or symbol of something or someone that has meaning to them….forever….on their skin. My hubby has one, and I appreciate the sentiment behind his choice which he made long before we knew one another. I’m super grateful that it isn’t the name of a high school sweetheart! That would be a bit hard to overlook.

Recently, I was struck by the reminder that I have been “tattooed” on the skin of someone who loves me. Not just my name. Me. All of me. And he didn’t write it on his upper back where it could be missed, or somewhere else as equally obscure. He wrote it on the palms of his hands where he sees it continually. And if you are his, you are engraved there too.

See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands; your walls are ever before me. Isaiah 49:16

I know it’s easy to think that God doesn’t see us sometimes because we simply don’t know or understand how God is working in our lives. It’s in those times that faith stands up and lifts our heads as we meditate on what we do know.

We know that God cannot forget us. We know that our names, ourselves in all our sin and past and current situation-and future, are in His Holy hands. And we are precious to Him.

He carved us into His palms with more than ink. He has used the same finger to write our names into His skin as He used to shape the mountains, gather the waters, and draw Adam together from the dust. He has a grand plan for you and all His ways are full of purpose-including creating you. Lean into His care for you today and know that when you place your trust in Him you are in the best of hands.

YOUR TURN!! How has God revealed His love to you recently? Do you struggle with knowing how precious you are to Him? How can we be praying for you today? If this post blessed you, please SHARE it with others! I love to hear from you!!

Not to us, O Lord, not to us, but to your name give glory. Psalm 115:1

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