A Prayer For Children Who Have An Angry Mom
When we first became moms, my Co-Author, Wendy Speake and I had no idea that we would struggle with anger. God, in His transforming power, helped us to turn from angry reactions to gentle biblical responses and we outline how we changed in our best-selling book, Triggers: Exchanging Parents’ Angry Reactions For Gentle Biblical Responses. If you are a parent who struggles with anger, begin with prayer. I’ve written a heartfelt prayer here, just for you. May it bless you deeply as you seek the Lord in prayer!
"Father God, I love my children. But I also have an anger problem. I hate this about myself, Lord. I don't want to feel triggered all the time. I'm overwhelmed by my guilt and frustration at myself. Stop me in my tracks when my temper rises. Keep my mouth from hurtful words. Lord, change me! And Lord, please protect the hearts of my kids. They are not the problem. It's me. I want them to feel my love and my pleasure. As I grow in patience and kindness and grace, let my children heal from my angry reactions. Help them to know that my sinful anger is not their fault and keep them from growing in anger because of me. God, heal our home. I believe Your Word that You provide a way of escape when I am tempted and that we can be transformed by the washing of Your Word. Help me to be totally focused on my own gentle responses every moment of today and may my children be richly blessed because of my example to them of turning from my sin and living in grace. In Jesus Name, Amen!"
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