You're Made For A God-Sized Dream Too!

God-Sized Dream


There shouldn't be fear attached to a dream.

That's called a nightmare.

Nerves, most likely. But fear? Let's set that aside.

My mother always told me that the butterflies lilting in my stomach were a sign from God. It was His message to me that He was with me.

He's with us.

Fear not, dreamer.

What a shame to yourself be the one to tether and enslave what was meant to be free. Dreaming is a freedom available to all.

You can do it, because it's not you anyway. It's God. He knows what He's doing. Enjoy the process because you know that He has your good in mind!

Let God make something beautiful out of your life. He will, if you let Him.  And when you don't know where to start, author Holley Gerth can help you do just that with her new book, You're Made For a God-Sized Dream. It changed my life, and I know that it can help change yours too. Join me on the path for dreamers, friend? Today is a beautiful day for a dreamer!

YOUR TURN! What dreams are on your heart that you sense God is leading you towards? Share a dream-fulfilled with me! I love to hear your stories! 

Not to us, O Lord, not to us, but to your name give glory. Psalm 115:1

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